



不過英文語感無法一朝一夕就能培養出來,它需要透過閱讀的累積,吸收大量英文資訊,去看英文母語者寫的文章,去看單字跟片語是如何被使用的,去了解英文母語者是如何描述一件事情… 讓自己沉浸在英文的環境中累積閱歷。







Goodreads 在每年七月都會公布去年平台最受讀者歡迎、評分最高的小說榜單,榜單的種類多元,如下:

  • Fiction 小說
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  • Middle Grade & Children’s 童書
  • Picture Books 繪本







1. 推薦《The Midnight Library》英文小說學英文

2022學英文推薦英文小說—《The Midnight Library》


《The Midnight Library》 by Matt Haig

This year’s Goodreads Choice Award for Fiction was the closest contest in the history of the awards. Your winner—by five votes—is The Midnight Library, author Matt Haig’s wildly inventive blend of literary and speculative fiction. The quick gist: Imagine a library in which each book represents a different path your life could have taken. Now imagine spending eternity in that library. It’s a Goodreads kind of dream… (by Goodreads)


「如果人生能夠重來一次… 我現在會變得不同嗎?」



這本《The Midnight Library》給予女主角 Nora 回到過去做出不同選擇的能力。

來到午夜的圖書館,每一本書都是一個你原本可能會有的人生故事。透過這些不同的可能性,女主角 Nora 重新檢視她人生中曾經的缺憾,那些後悔、掙扎、困頓形塑了現在的人生,也幫助她與現在的自己和解。


2. 推薦《To Sleep in a Sea of Stars》英文小說學英文

2022學英文推薦英文小說—《To Sleep in a Sea of Stars》


《To Sleep in a Sea of Stars》 by Christopher Paolini

Kira Navárez dreamed of life on new worlds. Now she’s awakened a nightmare. During a routine survey mission on an uncolonized planet, Kira finds an alien relic. At first she’s delighted, but elation turns to terror when the ancient dust around her begins to move.As war erupts among the stars, Kira is launched into a galaxy-spanning odyssey of discovery and transformation. First contact isn’t at all what she imagined, and events push her to the very limits of what it means to be human.While Kira faces her own horrors, Earth and its colonies stand upon the brink of annihilation. Now, Kira might be humanity’s greatest and final hope… (by Goodreads)



在星際之間旅行、在未知行星上探索… 在普通人還沒辦法輕鬆造訪宇宙之前,透過科幻小說進行一場想像中的太空之旅好像很不錯。


這本書描述女主角 Kira 在探索未知星球時,意外發現外星遺跡,但是這個本該歡喜地發現很快地變成了一場惡夢,並將 Kira 與所有人類都推向深淵邊緣…

閱讀這本書就像在看文字版的網飛 Netflix 連續劇,本文主題有趣、人物性格形塑鮮明、節奏明快、給人的沉浸感強,推薦給喜歡快節奏的科幻小說的人。


3. 推薦《A Good Girl’s Guide to Murder》英文小說學英文

2022學英文推薦英文小說—《A Good Girl's Guide to Murder》


《A Good Girl’s Guide to Murder》 by Holly Jackson

Pretty and popular high school senior Andie Bell was murdered by her boyfriend, Sal Singh, who then killed himself. It was all anyone could talk about. And five years later, Pip sees how the tragedy still haunts her town.

But she can’t shake the feeling that there was more to what happened that day. She knew Sal when she was a child, and he was always so kind to her. How could he possibly have been a killer?

Now a senior herself, Pip decides to reexamine the closed case for her final project, at first just to cast doubt on the original investigation. But soon she discovers a trail of dark secrets that might actually prove Sal innocent . . . and the line between past and present begins to blur. Someone in Fairview doesn’t want Pip digging around for answers, and now her own life might be in danger.

This is the story of an investigation turned obsession, full of twists and turns and with an ending you’ll never expect. (by Goodreads)



如果你的答案是 Yes,那麼這本小說推薦給你。



這本書描敘了一場在美國平靜小鎮上發生的情殺舊案。5年前在校風雲人物,美麗又亮眼的 Andie Bell 慘遭男友 Sal Singh 殺害,犯案後 Sal 隨即自殺,整起案件因為人物証俱全,因此警方很快地就以情殺結案。但事實的真相真的是如此嗎…?經過女主角 Pip 努力不懈地調查,從情殺案過去的關係人中蒐羅證詞推敲蛛絲馬跡,漸漸掀開了巨大內幕…





4. 推薦《Anxious People》英文小說學英文

2022學英文推薦英文小說—《Anxious People》


《Anxious People》 by Fredrik Backman

Viewing an apartment normally doesn’t turn into a life-or-death situation, but this particular open house becomes just that when a failed bank robber bursts in and takes everyone in the apartment hostage. As the pressure mounts, the eight strangers begin slowly opening up to one another and reveal long-hidden truths.

First is Zara, a wealthy bank director who has been too busy to care about anyone else until tragedy changed her life. Now, she’s obsessed with visiting open houses to see how ordinary people live—and, perhaps, to set an old wrong to right. Then there’s Roger and Anna-Lena, an Ikea-addicted retired couple who are on a never-ending hunt for fixer-uppers to hide the fact that they don’t know how to fix their own failing marriage. Julia and Ro are a young lesbian couple and soon-to-be parents who are nervous about their chances for a successful life together since they can’t agree on anything. And there’s Estelle, an eighty-year-old woman who has lived long enough to be unimpressed by a masked bank robber waving a gun in her face. And despite the story she tells them all, Estelle hasn’t really come to the apartment to view it for her daughter, and her husband really isn’t outside parking the car.

As police surround the premises and television channels broadcast the hostage situation live, the tension mounts and even deeper secrets are slowly revealed. Before long, the robber must decide which is the more terrifying prospect: going out to face the police, or staying in the apartment with this group of impossible people.

Rich with Fredrik Backman’s “pitch-perfect dialogue and an unparalleled understanding of human nature” (Shelf Awareness), Anxious People’s whimsical plot serves up unforgettable insights into the human condition and a gentle reminder to be compassionate to all the anxious people we encounter every day. (by Goodreads)



《Anxious People》從一樁銀行搶案開始,一群烏合之眾的搶匪、一些被劫持的人質、一群攻堅破案的警察… 看似混亂的場面、出乎意料的發展,無俚頭中帶著令人捧腹大笑的幽默,從腳色的日常生活中切入,觸及深入的討論,引起你的反思。



5. 推薦《Fangs》英文小說學英文



《Fangs》 by Sarah Andersen

Vamp is three hundred years old but in all that time, she has never met her match. This all changes one night in a bar when she meets a charming werewolf. FANGS chronicles the humor, sweetness, and awkwardness of meeting someone perfectly suited to you but also vastly different. (by Goodreads)












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